Welcome to All Things Little! The one stop baby shop!
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Featured Collection: RTS Items
New items will be added weekly! As I get ready for my fall and winter events, I will have a bunch of clothing items available. Join the VIP Facebook page so you will be informed whenever there is a sale!
Just a mama living out her dream!
Hi everyone! Thank you for visiting my shop! My name is Victoria and my beautiful daughter, Raegan, was the inspiration to start creating! She has taught me so much the last two years and I hope to have her join me in this business when she gets a little older.
Disclaimer about my shop: I only buy fabric from shops that are closing. Which means I never know what I am getting and sometimes the fabric is already cut into. I can't always make the exact outfits that you want, but I will ALWAYS give you options to make it right! This helps me to keep my prices affordable but still have custom prints!